Saturday, 20 February 2016

NEHU Recruitment 2016 Application Form Guest Lecturer Posts

NEHU Recruitment 2016

North Eastern Hill University invites application form for the recruitment of Guest Lecturer Posts.  Job hunters who are exploring NEHU jobs, they must apply for NEHU Recruitment 2016 on or before the last date that is 29th February 2016.

Required Credentials about NEHU Recruitment 2016 are well developed below by the team of

Name of the Organization

North Eastern Hill University

Post Name   

Guest Lecturer

Qualification Details:

Applying candidates should possess M.Com with minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed)

Candidates must have cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR.
Candidates who have Teaching and Research Experience will be preferred.     

Salary Structure:

Appointed candidates for above mentioned post will get remuneration of Rs. 1000/- per lecture subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,000/- per month.

Selection Procedure:

Categorization of the candidates will be based on their Performance in Interview which will be conducted by the recruitment board of the organization.

No TA / DA will be given to candidates for appearing in the Interview.

How to Apply

Candidates who are interested for NEHU Recruitment and fulfilling all the eligibility criteria need to send applications and by follow some useful steps which are mentioned below.

Visit the official web portal of North Eastern Hill University that

Then go to the “Advertisements” Section and select “Contractual Posts” link available on the home page.

Select appropriate link of “Advertisements for Guest Lecturer in the Department of Commerce”.

Then a PDF File will be open on your digital screen. Firstly read all the details.

Then prepare application on plain paper along with your updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) with giving information of educational qualification, experience etc.

Now attach supporting documents (certificates and mark-sheets, publications, teaching and research experience etc.) with application form.

Then filled application form in all respects send it to the address mentioned below on or before the due date that is mentioned below on this page.

Postal Address:

Department Of Commerce

Economics, Management and Information Sciences

North Eastern Hill University (Nehu)


Meghalaya: INDIA

Important Dates:

Last Date to Submit Applications: 29th February 2016

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