Friday, 31 July 2015

MDSU Ajmer Result 2015 Download LLB/MA Exam Results Online

MDSU Ajmer Result 2015

Maharshi Dayanand Sarawati University has published MDSU Ajmer Result 2015 for those applicants who have appeared in LLB or M.A exam. Applicants must download their MDSU Ajmer Results from official site which is mentioned below.

About MDS University

Maharshi Dayanand Sarawati University is also known as MDS University which came into existence on 1st Aug, 1987. Since beginning it has performed the examination of abooout 1,500,000 students in colleges all over state. It offers quality education for e various programmes like BA, Bed, Bsc,, etc. It started a PG programme in environmental science in 1998 and PG programmes in botany, zoology, business economics, commerce, population studies, history, political science and computer science in 2000.

This university has 24 coaching divisions like history, economics, zoology, pure and applied chemistry, foods and nutrition, microbiology, computer applications, population studies, commerce and management studies, law, education, remote sensing and geo Informatics physical education, political science and public administration, botany yoga and human consciousness, entrepreneurship & little business management, strategic studies, environmental studies and information sciences.

There has been an unbelievable growth in campus facilities such as spectacular structures, hi-tech technology labs, a state-of-the-art Computer Center, a famous Collection, a Control and Evaluation Prevent, a Science and a Administrative Block and a highly amazing Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat.

Name of Organization      ‘

Maharshi Dayanand Sarawati University



How to Check Result

Candidates need to logon the official website of the university first that is

On home page of official site select the ‘’ link which is available on bottom of page.

Now go to “GLOBAL RECENT RESULTS” option and hit “More” option.

After that select “MDS University, Rajasthan” link.

Select the course name & hit that link.

Enter your Roll No or Name on score card page.

Fill it correctly and hit ‘Submit’ button.

Now your scorecard will get open on the screen in the soft form.

Save it to system you are using and also take a copy of it for further use.

Check Official Link

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